Aberdeen, SD Auctioneers (605) 225-1828 jarkauction@nvc.net Aberdeen, SD Auctioneers (605) 225-1828 jarkauction@nvc.net

Lorraine Scheele Estate Land Auction

Lorraine Scheele Estate Land Auction

Land Location: From Craven Corner, SD (Jct. of Hwy 12 & 45 North) – go 6 miles north on Hwy 45 North.


This is an excellent opportunity to add productive Edmunds County crop & grassland to your portfolio.  These tracts are close together and are located in an area known for pheasant hunting.  A super opportunity for farmers, ranchers, hunters & investors!

*Buyer(s) will have the right to operate in 2019.

Land Description

South Dakota Land Auction

Lot 1 – NE ¼ of 21-124-67, Belle Township, Edmunds County, SD
The acreage will contain approximately 159.68 acres farmland of which 150.81 acres are considered cropland. The balance are non-crop acres and right of ways. The County Average Parcel Rating: .616. Bases: Wheat 37.26, Corn 35.83, Soybeans 72.40. The Surety Productivity Index: 66.0. The 2018 real estate tax: $1,609.38.
* Has FSA/USFWS Wetland Easements.

Lot 2 – W ½ of 28-124-67, Belle Township, Edmunds County, SD
This tract will contain approximately 307.93 acres grass/pasture with dugout. The balance will be non-crop acres and right of ways. The County Average Parcel Rating: .700 (NW1/4) & .585 (SW ¼). The Surety Range Production: 2495.6 lbs/acre/yr. The 2018 real estate tax: $2,778.92. * Has USFWS Wetland & Grassland Easements. No restrictions on grazing – hay after July 15th.

Lot 3 – S ½ of S ½ of 16-124-67, Belle Township, Edmunds County, SD
The acreage will contain approximately 160.96 acres farmland – all considered grass/hay/pasture. The balance will be non-crop acres and right of ways. The County Average Parcel Rating: .522. The Surety Range Production: 2795 lbs/acre/yr. The 2018 real estate tax: $1,352.92. * Has USFWS Wetland & Grassland Easements. No restrictions on grazing – hay after July 15th.

Ipswich, SD Land Auction. Edmunds County, SD Land Auction.


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