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Thursday, July 30, 2020
Sale Time: 10:00 AM
This sale has 347.21 acres of Brown County, SD Land being offered as two Lots and consisting predominately of productive hay land, pasture and cattail slough habitat!
Lot 1
N ½ of NE ¼ of 5-126-63 (ex Hwy) and
N ½ of NW ¼ of 5-126-63 (ex Hwy & bldg site) and
S ½ of NW ¼ of 5-126-63 (ex Hwy)
This tract is offered $___x 209.41 taxable acres.
This tract consists of productive hay land, pasture and cattail slough habitat. Surety Range Production: 3398.4 lbs./acre/yr. Has FWS Wetland & Grassland Easements (no grazing restrictions/can be hayed after July 15th).
Lot 2
SE ¼ of 7-126-63 (ex–S 30 rods of E 112 rods)
This tract is offered $___x 137.8 taxable acres.
This tract is pasture with dug out. Surety Range Production: 2956 lbs./acre/yr. Has Wetland/Grassland Easements. No grazing restrictions/can be hayed after July 15th.
We will offer choice of Lots 1 & 2 which are 1 mile apart
High bid can take Lot 1 ($___ x 209.41 taxable acres), Lot 2 ($___ x 137.8 taxable acres) or Lots 1 & 2 combined ($___ x 347.21 taxable acres).
* Land has not been used in 2020 *
** No Lease – Possession at Closing **
Sherry has decided to offer her pasture & hay land for sale at public auction. This is an excellent opportunity to add Brown County Hay and Pastureland to your portfolio! This sale will be conducted ON SITE (Lot 1). For complete sale terms, maps & information contact Val Jark at (605) 225-1828.